Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blessing or Cursing

In James 3:10 it says, "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so." That makes me wonder, what is coming out of my mouth? Most of the time I want to share blessings, but do I? I try not to curse, most of the time. But I must confess that my intentions, while mostly good, are not always realized. I know God wants me to use my mouth to be a blessing but I am acutely aware that when angered, I can quickly unsheath my tongue like a sharp hunting knife, intent on dismembering the offender. Ouch! "These things ought not to be so." Lord, I need to change. Lord, I need your help to change.

Last night my son and daughter-in-law called from Thailand to talk with my wife before her surgery. I watched as the words they shared brought joy and a smile. I realized that she was blessed just by being able to talk with loved ones far away. Perhaps I can be a blessing by taking the time to talk to someone I haven't spoken with in a while. And if I am making an effort to be a blessing, perhaps I won't have the time to do any "cursing". I wonder if maybe God wants me to talk to everyone I meet like they are a loved one far away? I wonder.

1 comment:

Bethany.... said...

Thanks for a view of the pictures! Please post one of Rob & Kelly's wedding and the ex. family picture from David & Marianne's wedding so I can copy them! We too are praying for Barb and you and Shawn!

Love, SIS
Psalm 19:10 "sweeter than honey"