Thursday, April 3, 2008

Looking Ahead

"Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."
James 4:15 (ESV)

Last night I was working on making plane reservations for some trips I will be taking in May, June and July. As I was making those reservations I began to wonder what would happen if I couldn't make the trips I was planning. (My recent surgery was a reminder that things can come up unexpectedly.)

It was then that I was reminded of what James wrote in his short letter. He reminded us to always keep in mind the reality that the Lord is in control of the details of our lives. Another verse that has often reminded me of this truth is Proverbs 16:9 (ESV) where we read, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." It is so important that we insure each day that our plans are surrendered to the God of creation who is sovereign over the affairs of men. What we plan to do will be realized in accordance with God's plans for us and for His Kingdom.

It is my daily prayer that I seek God's direction before I settle on my plans. And whatever those plans end up being, I strive to hold them loosely so God can change them easily, should he so desire. I hope you can recognize that truth for yourself. It is a lesson I find myself learning again and again.


Bethany.... said...

What was wrong with your knee, I never heard?! Glad to know you are recovering quickly. Shawn is growing up! He has thinned out since I last saw him! Give Barb & Shawn my love! "Aunt" Bethany

Anonymous said...

Hope the reservations weren't with Skybus, like ours were...;0(