Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saying Goodbye

At 5:30 this morning Barb and I drove David and Marianne to the airport here in Windsor Locks and put them on a plane to Texas. They will spend another week in the states and on September 4th, our 32nd wedding anniversary, they will begin their return trip to China. Here is a picture of Barb with the kids as they said goodbye at Bradley Airport as the sun began to brighten the horizon in the background.
It was great to have the kids with us for most of the month of August. We got to visit, the girls got to shop, we went out to eat together and shared many meals at home. They were on the road a good bit, visiting 4 churches in 3 states on the 4 Sundays they were here. They found this a very difficult time to do support raising. But they will return to their assignment with a trust in the LORD for His provision and direction.

Marianne is beginning to look pregnant and it looks good on her. David has that happy father's approving grin on many occasions. The Lord willing, the next time we see them, it will be in China after the arrival of the baby. A trip to see them at their home in China is tentatively scheduled for mid-March of 2009.

Yesterday was a fun day. Our niece Rachel, her husband Matt, and their new baby Judah came to see Marianne and David before they left. Rachel's mom Dorinda drove them down from Massachusetts and we were able to have lunch together. Last night we had a fun meal to send them off. Beginning with the cranberry and brie appetizers we went on to enjoy a dinner of garden fresh salad made with ingredients from our garden (the tomato actually came from a friend's garden) but the lettuce, carrots, cucumbers all came from our garden. The entrees were bacon wrapped steaks, swordfish steaks, and salmon all grilled outside. We had sauteed yellow and zucchini squash with red onions, baked sweet potato, rolls with olive oil and dipping spices and for dessert, we had some wonderful tarimisu. It was wonderful. The next time we share a meal it will be in Kunming, China!

It was great to spend time with the kids but life marches on. Barb works the next three days. I have a luncheon meeting today with another pastor from Windsor. Shawn returns to school tomorrow. And David and Marianne must return to their ministry in China. I am left to wonder what it will be like to hold my grandchild when we go to see them next year, the Lord willing.


Anonymous said...

Will be praying for a safe trip for them and for continued growth of a healthy baby and mama...

Dianne said...

What a memorial feast you four had the supper before Dave & Marianne left to fly to Texas! Yum-m-m!!
So nice that they got to stay with you three for as long as they did!

Dianne said...

I mean the five of you!