Monday, June 30, 2008

Hurry Up!

"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

I am an impatient person. I cannot deny that truth, nor would I. On most days I have somewhere to go and I don't want to delay getting there. My wife is often frustrated when I pronounce a desire to go somewhere previously unenvisioned and I expect her to be ready immediately, if not sooner. This compulsion to hurry up and get done what needs doing means I hate doctor's offices, checkout lines, indecision and traffic jams. So you can imagine my frustration last Friday as I drove to New Hampshire to pick up my son at the conclusion of his week of Sports and Music Camp and found myself at a virtual standstill on northbound I-495. I would move forward just one or two car lengths at a time and then sit motionless until able to pull ahead a few more feet. At one point it took me 30 minutes to move about 2 miles. Those joining me in this three lane parking lot were on their way to jobs, heading home from work, off to vacations or perhaps also making their way to pick up children at camp. It was in the midst of this frustrating mess that the Scripture words printed above came to mind.

I wonder how many times the Lord has to place me in a traffic jam for me to have a chance to wait on Him. Because of my compulsion to hurry, I seldom leave time to least not willingly. Yet it seems that God sees this thing about waiting on Him as so important that He will initiate the waiting if we will not plan for it. As I sat in traffic I thanked God for my son's opportunity to attend a Christian Camp. I thanked God for his provision of the funds to send Shawn to Camp even with rising gasoline prices. I thanked God for the chance to worship Him as the CD my wife had left in the car offered up its praise. I actually took the time to wait on the Lord because I couldn't do anything else. And it wasn't half bad. I actually felt better, sort of renewed....imagine that!

1 comment:

Mark Atwater said...

Patience is a virtue. I was talking to a friend today about our hurried lifestyle, and when in Bogata back in '99, the church wouldn't let us work after lunch, until we had our syesta. It got to be habit forming. But alas, we in North America don't know enough to follow this, and a lot of us die from high blood pressure and heart attacks way to early in life.
Nice to hear you used the time wisely. Looking forward to seeing you soon.